On the Wing #2: To Be Studied by Wild Eyes
One of the more awe-inspiring moments one can experience while young is being in the presence of a bird of prey. While many have certainly been fortunate to see a soaring Red-tailed Hawk ( Buteo jamaicensis ) or Turkey Vulture ( Cathartes aura ) o'er a sunny field or along a highway; an up-close and personal encounter with a raptor tends leave a more distinct impression. After coming to the United States, my interest in birds was a burning ember wishing and wanting to gain the fuel of knowledge and oxygen of experience that would drive me to seek out the birds I so desired to see. While I was only seven or eight years of age, I could recognize the commonest birds like no ones business. Jays, cardinals, titmice, robins, and nuthatches flitted through my world and I sought them where ever my parents brought me. I would seek out sparrows in the parking lots of supermarkets, listen for chickadees and nuthatches at nearby Drumlin Farm, as well as seeking out the birds of prey that lived...