On the Wing #83: Edwin B. Forsythe NWR
Apologies for not posting sooner. The chaos of the fall has just begun and I only just recently feel like I got my bearings. I took a huge number of photos during my visit to Edwin B. Forsythe NWR and instead of musing eloquently in word form about it, I'll show you the birds from my excursion. Semipalmated Sandpiper ( Calidris pusilla ) Another Semipalmated Sandpiper. Egret of some sort. Initially thought it was a Snowy, but Great seems pretty likely too. Common Yellowthroat ( Geothlypis trichas ) subadult male CLAPPER RAILS ( Rallus longirostris ) !! Extreme concentration from a Great Blue Heron ( Ardea herodias ). A Pied-billed Grebe ( Podilymbus podiceps ) sluicing through the mud. Peeps. Calidrids. Little gray dowel faces. Call them what you will... Feeding frenzy involving Laughing Gulls ( Leucophaeus atricilla ) and a Snowy Egret ( Egretta thula ). Yellowlegs ( Tringa spp. ) Dowitchers ( Limnodromus spp. ). Not even go...