Nature Note #181: My Top Ten World Birds
In the United States, we are blessed with a bounty of birds. We have some of the most iconic birds in the world from the stately bald eagle ( Haliaeetus leucocephalus ) and whooping crane ( Grus americana ) to the diverse collage of songbirds like warblers, finches, and bluebirds. That being said, there are some species of birds that rarely, if ever make it to America's shores. Just this past May, my girlfriend and I missed our chance of seeing one of these birds. A curlew sandpiper ( Calidris ferruginea ) had decided to show up about 40 minutes west of the Biggest Week birding festival in Oak Harbor, OH. As we arrived at the hallowed ground it had graced for several days before (which was essentially a flooded field in the middle of flat Ohio farm country) it instead had decided just minutes earlier to depart to places unknown. This got me thinking about what birds I might want to see, but couldn't due to my current geographic location in the countryside of central New Yor...