On the Wing #27: Hoot Owl

Great Horned Owl by Carl James Freeman
There's nothing quite as pleasant as listening to the hoots of a Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) outside the house. You don't know quite where it is or whether it is serenading another of its kind. As I sit here on this election night, biting my nails at the potential results (I won't name names but lets just say that I don't want Mr. Mitt Burns and Paul Smithers to win), it's nice to know that even on such a contentious time, one can look out the window towards to darkness and hear a kindred species hooting away in the pines.

I can only hope that the hooting and hollering I'll be doing won't be detrimental towards my sanity and won't prevent me from enjoying those wonderful hoots of that owl in the nights to come.

P.S. I'm too wired from the election night to be writing prose at the moment, towards the end of the week however, I will provide a review of one of the books on my reading list called "Bird-World" by J.H. Stickney and Ralph Hoffman. Stay tuned and as always, happy birding ^_^


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