On the Wing #68: Ringed Gimpy

The Ringed Gimpy (Pisa towerii) is a pigeon like bird whose only movement involves wandering aimlessly in circles on both sides of the continent.
 For those of you who are unfamiliar with the work of John Sill, he is the author of a trilogy of humorous bird books with the first being titled "Seldom Seen and Little Known Birds of North America". As the title suggests, I am experiencing the same annoyance as one of the fictionalized birds faces in the book. The Ringed Gimpy is a pigeon-like bird with a ring around its neck and one leg that's shorter than the other. As a result it very subtly lists to one direction or another depending on sex (males have a different short leg to the females).

The reason I'm bringing this up is because of my own leg problems. For the past month, I've been limping with varying severity due to a stiff knee with an unknown cause. As a result, I've become crippled during the worst time possible. I've been hyped about the possible species, both new and old, that I might see during spring migration this year and to be down and out with a knee that prevents me from going long distance is simply tragic. I'm missing FOYs left and right simply because I can't explore the woods and trails for warblers, tanagers, and the like!!

The typical migration path of the Ringed Gimpy.
It's disheartening but I hope I get better soon. I have an easy day tomorrow so I might take a break and explore the woods as long as I don't push myself. I know I need to be resting, but the drive is really strong. My housemate has already found a Black-and-White Warbler (Mniotilta varia) and that makes me jealous!

Hopefully I can inform you of something more exciting come next week, but until then, have a great weekend and as always, happy birding ^_^..


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