On the Wing #73: Que Sora Sora

I got to visit home this weekend and visited my old stomping grounds of Great Meadows in Concord where I went looking for Least Bitterns (Ixobrychus exilis). As you can imagine, my cryptic bird searching skills aren't stellar, so I went about my business looking for other familiar marsh birds. I didn't have to search for long as some birders were clustered near a bench towards the start of the center trail leading into the marsh. I walked over and looked carefully. It took me a few moments, but I finally saw the little bird of interest. It was a Sora (Porzana carolina). The second Sora I've ever seen (the first being last year at Great Meadows as well). Below are the pictures I managed to get of the little one and I was so pleased with the results.

The added advantage of my putting these up here is that I can also link my eBird account to here for verification. The algorithm considers these to be rare at Great Meadows for this time of year and it would be nice to have some backup on it.

I'll be visiting Cape May this weekend, but this coming week's post will feature something different. It will be a reference to the property list I've been keeping on the Stony Brook Millstone Preserve, but for now that's all I'll say. Have a lovely Sunday evening all!


  1. Nice pics of the Sora... these look really familiar though, I recognize the sequence of movement. I think I was probably standing in that cluster of birders : )


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