On the Wing #79: Aiming for Gold

As many people probably already know, I'm a little bit loopy. Verbally, action-wise, and philosophically, I'm completely off the wall. It's an asset in a job where I'm both batty about nature and batty in general. However, despite my setbacks with my old computer what with losing my life list, year list, and SBMWA property bird list, I'm still determined to hit 350 species this year.

I currently have 316 with the most recent edition being a Louisiana Waterthrush (Parkesia motacilla) seen in the Stony Brook a few weeks ago at camp. I'm hoping for some excellent migrants in the form of shorebirds, songbirds, and shearwaters. Yeah. You heard me! Welshie's going to sea and wants to find himself some mutton birds!

Okay, okay...maybe not that badly, but a whale watch is definitely an excellent excuse to look for pelagic birds like shearwaters, gannets, and terns. Who knows? I might even seen some storm-petrels.
It's only mid-August after all and I figure that while it sucks that my lists aren't digital (excepting eBird of course) at the moment, it certainly would be nice to get out and bird after camp is over. The oceanic bird quest can wait for now, but Edwin B. Forsythe NWR might be in my future. We'll see what the future might hold.

Stay tuned...


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