Nature Note #115: Summer Camp

*The opinions and statements made in this blog are entirely of my own opinion and do not reflect or represent the views of Drumlin Farm or Mass Audubon. 

So it's happened again. I've spent a busy two and a half weeks working at camp once more and I have to say, I'm loving every minute of it. Today was the start of a new session and the day just flew by. It was amazing how well planned and coordinated a day like this could be. This week is a craft oriented week and the kids had a very nice first day getting to know the property and settling in for a week of day camp.

I have been a camp counselor on and off over the past six years and this year am working as a coordinator for one of the three mini camps at Drumlin Farm. As you have probably guessed from the title, I work at Wolbach Farm which is located in Sudbury and is also the home of the Sudbury Valley Trustees. It's a lovely spot off of Route 27 and boasts a half mile loop trail in the woods on the property. The wildlife here is numerous and varied with groups having seen Scarlet Tanagers (Piranga olivacea), a Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus), an American Toad (Anazyrus americanus), many dragonflies, grasshoppers, and a whole host of plant life. Such variety makes for an excellent place to explore and discover the wonders of nature. My favorite activities that we've done so far have been building mouse (or fairy) houses in the woods, playing drip, drip, drop in order to stay cool on hot days, and playing a game called raccoon hands to test the kids dexterity underwater and to see if they could feed in the same way that raccoons do in the wild.

One of the main reasons I haven't been able to update this blog in a while is the intensity with which I put it to make the program the best that it can be. I've done well the past two weeks and I can definitely continue to advance and improve as the summer goes on. I'll update on something naturey soon, but I wanted to let people what I was up to. Also it's past my bedtime so I need to get some sleep. See you all again soon.


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