On the Wing #84: Merging Interests

As the end of the year draws close, I'm increasingly drawn to the idea of combining my nature blog with my birding blog. I came to this conclusion as I don't tend to update either in a timely manner, that having one blog to worry about would be easier than coming up with content for two. So I'll be posting other nature-based stuff from this account as well.

Another announcement I wanted to make was that I'm restarting the Babe Ruth of Ornithology tournament. I felt that I didn't leave it off on a good note (considering I didn't even finish it either) and that I didn't learn what I wanted to in order to complete the goal. The format I'm pursuing this time around is one of multiple sources, as well as inquiring the input of others rather than my own biased opinion. Most of all, I'm curious to see where my quest will take me. My parents have mentioned multiple times that this idea should be published and I'll admit, I have thought about it. First things first though, I need to put the time in to make it good, so I'll serve you good people with a better understanding of the important work put forth by these ornithologists.

I'll change up the title a bit and get back to regular posting tomorrow. See you later.


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