Out On the Wing #86: Munchies

Ever seen Ax Men? No, I'm not going to start singing the "Lumberjack Song". But there's a specific tool used in logging to grind stumps and trees down that I thought of when I saw these critters today.

These Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) caterpillars were rescued from the makeshift butterfly house and are now growing in the office. They're currently feeding on Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and do so with extreme efficiency. They're so cute, especially when you give them a little squeeze so that their little horn appears. This is used to startle predators and prevent them from being eaten. They also produce a smell with it as well, but these little ones seemed a bit small.

Later this weekend, I'll have a review of "The Dangerous World of Butterflies: The Startling Subculture of Criminals, Collectors, and Conservationists" by Peter Laufer, PhD. See you all soon!


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